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Instructions to Create a Blog Step By Step (Free Website) | Make Free Blog


Instructions to Create a Blog Step By Step (Free Website) | Make Free Blog



The most effective method to Create a Blog Step By Step. On the off chance that you don't have a clue how to make a blog bit by bit for novices. At that point don't stress in light of the fact that in this video, I show you how to make a blog site free of charge in Hindi. Hello so what's up friends, this is Free tips ere back with another video.


Make Free Blog:


Contributing to a blog Course for Beginners. In the event that you wanna Learn Blogging for Free. At that point, this is the Right spot for you. Since here I will show you how to begin Blogging for nothing. I will give you Premium writing for a blog course free of charge.


What You will discover in this free writing for a blog course:


1.         Purchase area from godaddy


2.         Create Free Blog


3.         Custom area


4.         Blogger progressed settings


5.         create reach us structure


6.         create pages


7.         Upload Post


8.         install premium format


9.         google pursuit reassure


10.       apply for google adsense


11.       ads arrangement


12.       Google AdSense Approval tips


Instructions to Create Free Blog:


Blog Requirements:


What things you need to make a free blog on blogger are Given Below:




Any Internet Browser


Gmail Account.


You can make and deal with your own blog with Blogger. What you need to do is:


Make a blog


Sign in to Blogger.


On the left, click the Down bolt Down bolt.


Affirm your Profile.


Click on Create New Blog:


Choose and enter a name for your blog:



Snap Next.

Pick a blog address or URL.


Snap Save.

Note: Make sure you conform to the Blogger Content Policy and Terms of Service.



Deal with your blog


You can oversee who can alter and peruse your blog. Figure out how to control admittance to your blog.


You can pick how you need your blog to look. Figure out how to change the plan of your blog.


Programs you can utilize








MS Edge


Note: New program renditions are regularly delivered. Make a point to keep your program refreshed to the most recent form for best outcomes.


Instructions to Purchase Domain From Godaddy


A large number of clients depend on our areas and web facilitating to get their thoughts on the web. As often as possible Asked Questions. How does GoDaddy help entrepreneurs.


Here is a Big Change in Prices. Be that as it may, you Can see Domain name is Same. I will show you how you can purchase space with modest cost.




If you want to buy a domain from godaddy then follow the given steps:


Go to Godaddy Web.


Sign in with Google  Account.


Change Your Currency.


Search Your Domain Name.



Snap on Add to Cart.



Select one year from drop Down Manu.



Snap on Continue to Cart.



Imprint on NO Thanks.



Uncheck Start your site for nothing.



Snap on NO Thanks.



Snap on Checkout.



Add Your Billing data.




Add Your Payment Method.




Snap on Complete Purchase.



Generate and Submit Sitemap:

To Generate and Submit Sitemap for Blogger. What you need to do is:


Go to Google search and type "Generate Sitemap For Blogger".

Click on first website link.




Go to Blogger and snap on see Blog.



Presently Copy your site interface.



Glue Your URL here.



Snap on Generate Sitemap.




Presently Copy this content from "client specialist" to end.



Go to blogger settings.



Permit custom robots.txt.


Snap-on Custom Robots.txt.



Glue that text here.



Presently save settings.

Presently Go to Google Search Console.



Snap-on Get Started.

Snap-on Sitemap.



Type sitemap.xml here and click on Submit.



Your sitemap will be added to Google Search support.


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