Google Analytics Blogger 2021. In this video, I'll tell you the best way to add google investigation to blogger. hello, so what's up friends. In the event that you don't have a clue how to add google investigation to the blogger website. At that point, this video is for you.
Add Google Analytics to Blogger
You can utilize Analytics to discover where your perusers come from and what they read on your blog. Get familiar with Analytics.
Step By Step Instructions To Add Google Analytics To Blogger
Stage 1: Sign up for Analytics
Pursue an Analytics account.
Discover your Analytics following ID.
Stage 2: Add Analytics following to Blogger
Significant: It can require as long as 24 hours for your information to appear in Analytics.
Sign in to Blogger.
In the upper left, select the blog you need to investigate.
From the menu on the left, click Settings.
Under "Fundamental," click Google Analytics Property ID.
Enter your Analytics following ID.
Ensure you enter the ID in this configuration: UA-XXXXX-XX.
Snap Save.
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Google investigation
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